Photo: Sachin Khona.

Photo: Sachin Khona.

We are here to teach what we are learning. Not just what we’ve figured out and crystallized.
What we are scraping at, seduced by, frustrated with, in love with. What we think about in secret. What we worry we will never be good enough at.
That is the thing we are here to teach.
You will never arrive (the mark will keep shifting). So: start writing, recording, speaking, creating. Start showing up. Be honest about where you are. Honesty is the most compelling currency there is. There’s no need to fake it, contort it, half-truth it, or apologize.
You are learning. We all are. That thing you’re obsessed with, wondering about, poking around, saying, “some day?”
No one else sees it the exact way you see it.
It’s been written before?
Write it again.
It’s too scary to say? 
It needs your bravery as its vehicle.
Let it be messy.
Perfectionism is just people pleasing in motion.
I know. I spent a great part of my life wanting to be loved. What I really got was lukewarm approval. A renewable contract to be liked.
Liked is not the same as loved. You cannot be loved as a perfectly packaged version of yourself. Admired, yes. Liked, yes. Loved?
That only comes from being you.
All of you.
Messy, brilliant, amazing, vulnerable you.
Let us love you.
And let us disagree with you. We won’t always like what you have to say.
Say it anyway. Stand in the sun of your truth instead of the shadow of someone else’s fear. You cannot grow if you’re constantly bracing for the blowback.
It’s not a fuck you to uninvest in what someone else thinks about you. It’s evolution. Send them love and keep leaning forward.
Try on “I don’t know how this is going to end.” Forget the commas so you can hear the voice of your creativity. Hit publish before you feel ready so you can know boldness in your bones. Let go of that worn out record of “it has to be hard to be good.”
Oh no it doesn’t.
It can be so easy.
So let it be easy. Teach us what you’re learning.
Keep poking at the roof of those made up limitations until you see sky.

P.S.  One thing I’m (imperfectly) learning is to share more of me on Facebook. Like my Facebook page for more doses of truth.